

adopted 14 June 1994

Article I. NAME
The name of this organization shall be the Palau Association of Libraries (PAL).

The purposes of this organization shall be to:
    a. promote public awareness of library resources and services in the Republic of Palau.
    b. encourage networking, cooperation, and resource sharing among the libraries of    Palau.
    c. work with other community groups and educators to develop and promote programs to increase literacy and promote reading in Palau.
    d. seek continuing education opportunities for Palau's library and information services personnel.
    e. identify potential funding sources for the improvement of Palau's libraries.
    f. lobby for legislation which will support Palau's libraries.
    g. provide a forum for discussing issues of interest to Palau's librarians and related personnel.

Membership in the Palau Association of Libraries shall be open to all individuals, institutions, and corporate bodies that support its purposes.

    a. The officers of this organization shall be president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer.  All officers shall be elected under the provisions outlined in Article VIII.  The officers shall serve one year terms with the year beginning 1 June and ending 31 May.  Officers may serve no more than two consecutive terms in the same office.
    b. Duties:
          1. PRESIDENT   The president shall preside at all meetings, be the spokesperson for the association, and be responsible for all public relations, budgeting, and overseeing the direction of the association.
          2. VICE PRESIDENT   The vice president shall be responsible for promotions and publicity and shall serve as president in the president's absence.
          3. SECRETARY   The secretary shall be responsible for the minutes and proceedings of all meetings, and shall maintain the official records and reports of the association.  The secretary shall also be responsible for the maintenance of the association's mailing list, conduct all mailings, and notify members of meetings.
          4. TREASURER   The treasurer shall maintain the financial records of the association, collect dues, prepare an annual financial statement, and report at each meeting of the association.  Two authorize signatures shall be required for any disbursement of funds.  One signature must be of the Treasurer.  The other signature shall be of either the President or Vice President.

The Executive Board shall consist of the officers, and shall have the authority to appoint standing and ad-hoc committees consistent with the purposes of this organization. 

The following shall be the standing committees of the association:
    a. Membership
    b. Fundraising
    c. Newsletter

    a. The association shall hold at least one general membership meeting quarterly.
    b. A quorum shall consist of the number of votes cast.
    a. All members with current paid membership shall be entitled to vote.  Each member may cast only one vote.  Institutions and corporate bodies are non-voting members.
    b. Election of officers shall require an affirmative vote by two-thirds of a quorum.
    c. Members may vote in absentia if their vote is received at any time before voting is held.

Article IX: DUES
Individual membership dues shall be $20 per year.  Institutional and corporate body membership shall be $50 per year.

Amendments to these by-laws shall require an affirmative vote by two-thirds of a quorum.  All amendments shall be proposed at least one meeting prior to the date on which a vote is taken.